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The DeleteDialog component is a modal dialog that prompts the user to confirm a deletion operation. It provides a message and two buttons: "Yes" and "No". Clicking "Yes" triggers the deletion operation, while "No" simply closes the dialog.

1. Import DeleteDialog

First, you need to import the DeleteDialog component from Miwi.

import { DeleteDialog } from "miwi";

2. Use DeleteDialog

You can use the DeleteDialog component in your JSX code. Here's an example:

  message={"Are you sure you want to permanently delete this item?"}

Dialog asking for deletion confirmation

In this example, when the "Yes" button is clicked, the message "Deleted!" will be logged to the console.

Here's another example where the deletion operation is a function that removes an item from an array:

const items = ["Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3"];
const deleteItem = (index: number) => {
  items.splice(index, 1);

  onDelete={() => deleteItem(1)}
  message="Are you sure you want to permanently delete "this - item"?

In this example, when the "Yes" button is clicked, the item at index 1 will be removed from the items array.

DeleteDialog default props:

The DeleteDialog component accepts all the props of the Box component, as well as an onDelete callback function and a message string.