Circular Progress Indicator
The CircularProgressIndicator is a component that displays a circular loading indicator. It's useful for showing the progress of a task or that something is loading.
1. Import Circular Progress Indicator
First, you need to import the Circular Progress Indicator component from Miwi.
import { CircularProgressIndicator } from "miwi";
2. Use Circular Progress Indicator
You can use the CircularProgressIndicator component in your JSX code. Here's a basic example:
<CircularProgressIndicator />
This will render a default Circular Progress Indicator.
You can also customize the CircularProgressIndicator by passing props to it. Here's an example where we specify the diameter, thickness, and color:
<CircularProgressIndicator diameter={50} thickness={5} color="red" />
In this example, the diameter of the circular progress indicator is set to 50, the thickness of the circle is set to 5, and the color is set to red.
The diameter and thickness props can accept either a number (representing pixels) or a string (representing a CSS value). The color prop accepts a string representing a CSS color.
<CircularProgressIndicator diameter="5em" thickness="0.5em" color="blue" />
In this example, the diameter is set to 5em, the thickness is set to 0.5em, and the color is set to blue.
Default styling is:
diameter: The default value is 4. This property determines the diameter of the circular progress indicator.
thickness: The default value is diameter / 8 if diameter is a number, otherwise it's the same as diameter. This property determines the thickness of the circular progress indicator.
color: The default value is strokeTexture (which can be seth in Miwi's Theme). This property determines the color of the circular progress indicator.
thickness={1 / 4}